Yo Mama Nice

With Mother's Day coming up we are going to make, NICE Yo Momma Jokes that are uplifting and positive, if you want you can create a card or visual to go with it and print it out for her.

The idea is to spur creative content creation and provide positive ideas into our community not hateful ones.

Write 3 unique jokes, submit them here.
No copying other peoples, each should be your own unique joke.


Yo mama cares about you so much, she wants you to have a good education and healthy social life!

Well yo mama can bring home the bacon AND fry it up in a pan. All crispy and nice y'all.

Yo mama is so sweet the Care Bears put a hit out on her because she was too cute and stuff..

Your mom went to college, and now she's rolling in the dough!

Yo mama is like the energyizer bunny, her love just keeps going and going and going...

Yo mama pays so much taxes, b'cauz she's got an amazing job!

You mama can cook so well even Ratatouille will stop by for dinner.

Yo mama is so healthy ...
Yo mama is so considerate ...
Yo mama is so smart ...
Yo mama is so successful ...
Yo mama is so beautiful ...
Yo mama is like ...

One way to get started would be to research on the hateful ones and then change them around once you have them for inspiration.

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