Halloween Movies!!!

Scared Shrekless
Fill out this online form, as you watch the movie, or after it is over.
If you try to answer them before you know the answers you may get them wrong...
 If you get too many wrong you will have to take it again.

After supper - Monsters vs Aliens - mutant pumpkins from outer space
Fill out this online form, as you watch the movie, or after it is over.
If you try to answer them before you know the answers you may get them wrong...
 If you get too many wrong you will have to take it again.


Take the quiz...

After supper, play the game

Carve your own pumpkin

Get started here - theoworlds.com/halloween

Once finished, click DONE CARVING, Done and then the Internet address (URL) copy and paste as a blog comment using the name URL profile.

Tic Tac Toe Redesign

First in the upper right click next, to see what other students have made.

You are going to redesign your own tic tac toe online game.

Step 1.
Download this zipped file and extract it.
Right ClickClick, choose option SAVE.
locate file, right click > extract here.

Step 2.
Find FOUR images, try to find something that would oppose another thing, or relate to another thing.

One for you
One for your opponent
One for the nothing before you start
One background for your game.
Save the images to your home folder, or desktop.

Step 3.
Launch the program / application GIMP (Start > Programs> GIMP)
Edit the images to fit the correct sizes, feel free to use the provided nothing.xcf and back.xcf to get the sizes and shapes correct.

100px by 100px for the small three.
600px by 600px for the background.

Make sure to save as the correct file names.
The easiest way to do this is simply open the file, put your image in place of it and re-save the file.

GIMP tools to use, Move, scale, rotate...

Step 4. 
Edit the code
The opponent still says Quazi, we simply need to do a "find and replace" for the word Quazi and replace it with whatever opponent name you want.

4.1 - Right click on the file tictacquazi.htm
4.2 - choose open with > notepad
4.3 - Edit > Replace4.4 - Find Quazi,   replace with **Your opponents name**
Save and close

Open with browser, try out the game.

Step 5.
Upload a zipped folder of it, to dropbox.

Put all files into a folder, name the folder your name.

Right click on the folder > send to > compressed (zipped) folder.

login: ppslane@gmail.com

password: purpleYAY ALL DONE, enjoy free time!

School Dance Banners

Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!
Make your own banner for the school dance at MyBannerMaker.com!

Details to include:

1 quasar = 10 cents

Students in good standing = no D's or F's, 92% attendance, no referrals.

submit url as comment



Animasher Halloween

Today we are going to make an animated story.

Using an online web application called Animasher.com

we are going to tell a story about how you want your Halloween to be.

It could be a fictional story, or a realistic story.

It does need to have some kind of beginning, a middle and an end. (basic story elements)

Animasher requirements


-Learn how to upload your own image and add it to the database (first download an image to the desktop).

-Create the story with at least 5 different SCENES.

-Each scene needs to have at least 2 different MOVING PARTS.

Save the final animashion and show Mr. Hurst, submit animation URL as a comment.

Find a simple background wallpaper

Find 2 backgrounds to add to the active desktops wallpaper.

Backgrounds must be abstract, no direct words or photographs of specific things.
see examples here:
Simple is also nice.

Feel free to find whichever you would like to add..

Once found, SAVE to desktop.

Upload to dropbox.
login: ppslane@gmail.com
password: purple

After Supper.
Submit as a comment a link of your recommendation for the best simple game to add a link to the active desktop, much like the tic tak toe, fast typer 2 and mad libs. 
The top one will be put on there.

Comment as - Name/URL

Columbus Day Time line

Research two Christopher Columbus facts that have dates to add to our group time line.

Login: ppslane@gmail.com
password: purple

Each time line event MUST have an image also.

*Be sure to put your first name in the description of your additions to the time line.

After Supper
Complete this game.

Goofy School Pictures


Find FIVE goofy looking celebrities school pictures, feel free to Google search if you want to also to find other pictures.

Download them to your desktop.
(Right click Save picture as)

Then create a collage of at least 5 (you could do more) on this website.


Save final collage to Y drive.

After Supper
Design your own fountain

3D Layers - Flame Name

Learn about 3D and Layers.

Make something recognizable. A bird, chair, horse, cat, car, logo, etc. anything that is more than just random chunks of blah.

Turn it in by posting the finished URL as a comment. The URL should look like this. See below comments.
see last year assignments by 6th graders

After Supper

Your Name In Flame